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Research & Publication
The book includes a short history of tobacco cultivation in Bangladesh and discusses tobacco versus vegetable cultivation, environment and malnutrition, labour issues in tobacco farming including contract farming, and recommendations to reduce tobacco cultivation and replace tobacco with healthier crops.  ...
This book contains two research reports: 1) Tobacco Cultivation and Poverty in Bangladesh: Suggestions for Appropriate Policies on Agriculture, Environment and Health and 2) Tobacco Taxation and Poverty in Bangladesh: Research and Recommendations.   ...
This book discusses why tobacco taxes should increase, and how taxes will help to increase government revenue and develop public health. The book includes international experience, FCTC Article 6 obligations for Bangladesh, and recommendations.  ...
This book explains the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) including Government of Bangladesh and FCA’s role during development; price and tax increases, smoke-free provisions, reduction of tobacco production, TAPS (Tobacco Advertisement, Promotion and Sponsorship) bans, education, awareness, training, illicit trade, ban on sale to minors, and promotion of alternate crops.  ...