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Research & Publication
This book contains all important government orders and relevant laws. The tobacco control law 2005, Rules 2006, and government orders including taskforces (national, district and sub-district), tobacco control law implementation, mobile courts, smoke free public places and transports, health warnings on tobacco packs and removal of illegal ads are included.  ...
This book contains ‘Smoking and Tobacco Products Uses (Control) Act 2005’, its Rules 2006 and governmental order for task forces at National, District and sub-district levels. The other relevant law and departmental order on smoke-free public places and transport is also incorporated. ...
This publication is based on research on tobacco and poverty. Bidi smoking is linked with poverty. The book describes the working conditions inside the bidi factory, tobacco cultivation and its effects, total nationwide expenditure on bidis and opportunity costs. This research was published in Tobacco Control journal (http://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/early/2011/07/20/tc.2011.043000.short?q=w_tobaccocontrol_ahead_tab) ...
This book explains why pictorial health warnings should be included in amendments to the tobacco control law. It includes FCTC Article 11 and its guidelines on pictorial warnings, examples from other countries, evidence of public support, types of pictorial warnings, and recommendations.  ...
The full text of this book is also included in the NCD publication. This book provides guidelines for smoker on why and how to quit smoking. It includes health risks and financial costs of smoking and how smokers benefit by quitting.  ...