Parks and playgrounds play an important role in human life. They give us the opportunity for developing mental and physical health. Along with opportunity of physical activity, parks and playgrounds give us chances to socialize. Socialization with people has a direct impact upon mental health because it can reduce stress, anxiety and other mental health disorders. In addition, the opportunity to socialize helps to brings happiness, decreases social crimes, and improves overall quality of life. In Dhaka city, dwellers hardly get these opportunities.
There are only 79 parks and playgrounds in Dhaka. And Dhaka is a city of over 18 million people2. 79 parks and playgrounds are not enough for the large number of people. Some community people get the opportunity to visit parks and playgrounds as per availability. But many lack the physical infrastructure According to a study done by WBB Trust, we have found out that, people prefers to visit public spaces if it is within short distance, indicating walking access to parks for daily usage (68% respondents replied that they prefer visiting parks and playgrounds if it is within 1KM). Moreover, the parks and playgrounds are not accessible for persons with disability due to insufficient or safe pedestrian crossing or lack of pedestrian ramp. Non-auto transport access to parks is limited or non-existent. Those lack infrastructures needed for them. Moreover, boys are mostly seen playing in the parks and playgrounds.
Parks should be designed for gender and all ages. In this situation, it is important to provide opportunity of visiting public spaces. Providing Full scale parks and playgrounds to all areas of the city in a short period of time is not realistic. However, there are many small spaces in Dhaka city that are currently unused, particularly disorganized dead space or street corners or underutilized or poor design parking spaces. Download Report