Though, advertising of all types of tobacco products is forbidden under the act of Tobacco Control, the companies have continued their advertising & promotional activities in various ways. As the Secretariat of the Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance The WBB Trust has been collecting information from the field level for a longer period on the violation of the tobacco companies in case of Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship of Tobacco Products and sending it to the concerned authorities. A specific method called IAWER has been accomplished to speed up the collection of information from the field level and law enforcement activities.
The methodology has been included in this guideline to provide instructions on advertising, monitoring and law enforcement to individuals working in the private sector in tobacco control. The preparation of this guideline requires the advice and cooperation of many governmental & non-governmental organizations & individuals, including the National Tobacco Control cell. Many have provided their personal and professional experience, feedback & advice to enrich this guideline. The WBB Trust & International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Disease (The Union) have made a significant contribution to publishing the guide in book form. This guideline will play a positive role in the implementation of the rules relating to advertisement, promotion & sponsorship of tobacco products as Smoking & Tobacco Use Control Act, 2005. Download the book.