Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) are one of the main causes of preventable deaths in the world. Every year 36 million people in the world died due to non-communicable diseases and 9 million of them are in developing and middle-income countries. NCDs are spreading around the world as epidemic.
The rate of non-communicable diseases is increasing alarmingly in Bangladesh. Unhealthy food consumption habits, lack of exercise or exercise or adequate physical activity, obesity, uncontrolled alcohol, the use of tobacco products and environmental pollution are the leading cause of NCDs. Being aware of Healthy life, these diseases can be prevented by bringing behavioral changes in some cases.
Bangladesh has already adopted many activities in tobacco control, and this trend is continuing. But, unhealthy diet trend is increasing among the people due to professional business, attractive promotions and availability in urban life. Therefore, shortage of park-playground and open space, various obstacles in the walking environment, tendency of working by longtime sitting and dependency on technologies decreases physical activity. Policy formulation and implementation is very important to discourage people for unhealthy eating habits and to encourage people in adequate physical exertion. People are attracted to unhealthy food because of uncontrolled promotion of unhealthy food and beverage advertisement and lack of publicity about healthy food.
In this research, unhealthy food and drinks advertisement on billboards, signboard, television and newspapers has monitored and suggestion has been given on overall control of non-communicable diseases. download