Although Bangladesh plays leading role in tobacco control, we are getting back due to different deceptive role of tobacco companies. Bangladesh government is the first who ratified the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC). Bangladesh first signed it in 2003 when it was finalized. Later, in 2004 Bangladesh govt. ratified it. In accordance with FCTC government passed the tobacco control act in 2005. To meet the requirements of strong and effective law government passed the amendments of the tobacco control act. In 2015 Rules of tobacco control law was passed.
Despite of being the first signatory of FCTC Bangladesh still does not implement the pictorial health warning on the tobacco packet. However, according to revised tobacco control act 2013 and rule 2015 graphic health warning have to paste in every tobacco packet from March 2016. Around 75 countries already implemented the graphic health warning on the tobacco packet even singed FCTC after Bangladesh. Bangladesh also lags behind in Southeast Asia in respect of tobacco control.
We believe, to ensure overall development strictness is need for tobacco control. For this reason, tobacco companies have to be strictly controlled. FCTC and its article 5.3 provide guidelines to protect tobacco control activities from tobacco companies' interference. Moreover it describes the techniques of monitoring of tobacco companies activities. We will be successful in tobacco control if we able to control the tobacco companies activities strictly.ডাউনলোড