A new study published in Tobacco Control finds that restaurants have not suffered economically as a result of Mexico City’s 100% smoke-free law. Findings are based on a monthly survey of businesses from January 2005 to April 2009 and comparison with states similar to Mexico City that do not have comprehensive smoke-free laws.
Study Findings
· Restaurants’ revenues increased 25%.
· Total wages paid to restaurant workers increased 28%.
· Employment in the restaurant sector rose 16%.
Key Message
· Smoke-free laws do not harm business at restaurants.
A link to the full article [English only] can be found at: http://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/early/2011/02/03/tc.2010.036467.full
Additional Resources:
· To access a fact sheets on smoke-free, including a fact sheet on the economic benefits of smoke-free laws [Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish], go to:http://tobaccofreecenter.org/resources/smoke_free_laws
· Full citation: Guerrero Lopez CM, Jimenez Ruiz JA, Reynales Shigematsu LM, Waters HR. The economic impact of Mexico City´s smoke-free law. Tobacco Control. 2011 Feb 3.
Tobacco Control is an internationally peer-reviewed journal covering the nature and consequences of tobacco use worldwide. The journal is for health professionals and others in tobacco control and is a publication of the British Medical Journal.
If you have any questions about the materials or how you may use them in your advocacy efforts, please e-mail research@tobaccofreecenter.org