It is our pleasure to inform you that Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust has been asked by Ecocity Builders to organize a satellite Ecocity World Summit this 9-10 September 2020 in Dhaka for online participation throughout Bangladesh. The theme of the conference is '#BuildBackBetterBD: Making our Cities Healthier for People and Planet'
The Ecocity World Summit is an international conference series led by Ecocity Builders that promotes “the understanding and development of cities that are ecologically healthy and sustainable, economically prosperous and fair, and socially just and caring. Also known as ECOCITY, these inspiring gatherings of urban stakeholders from across the globe focus on key actions cities and citizens can take to rebuild our human habitat in balance with living systems.” The first Ecocity World Summit was held in Berkeley, California in 1990, and has been conducted regularly since then. (For more information, see: https://ecocitybuilders.org/ecocity-world-summit/
The next Ecocity World Summit is scheduled for 16-17 March 2021 in Lahti, Finland. The conference will focus on “1.5-degree cities and citizens”. As the conference website explains, “Dramatic changes in consumption patterns and dominant lifestyles are required to address the climate emergency successfully. We can no longer wait to act. Governments and businesses must provide infrastructure, products, and services that enable citizens to live more sustainably. These changes need to happen now because household carbon footprints must drop far below half within just one decade to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees.
“Ecocity Forum Lahti 2020 is gathering makers, users, and promoters of digital tools, which can accelerate the transition to1.5-degree cities and citizens.” (https://e.eventos.fi/events/lahti-events/ecocityforum2020/home)
In order to increase international participation in the conference and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Ecocity Forum Lahti 2020 has decided to include a series of satellite conferences at different cities that would run parallel to the main conference but allow for more local participation and local discussion.
The plan is to have the conference be a mix of international speakers, either broadcast live or downloaded and then shown on video, with local speakers as well. The format will encourage people from other parts of Bangladesh to participate virtually, and will possibly give the option for participants to participate virtually or in-person (depending on the Coronavirus situation) in one or more sessions of interest. The local speakers will be a mix of invited speakers to address specific topics related to ecocities, and a call for abstracts to gain wider participation among professionals, students and others.
If you need more information, please contact us at: ecocitybd@gmail.com
Abstract submission open |
May 20, 2020 |
Closing date for abstract submission |
June 20, 2020, 5.00 PM |
Abstract notifications sent by email to corresponding authors regarding decisions on the status of acceptance |
July 20, 2020 |
Deadline to withdraw abstract |
July 30, 2020 |
Conference Registration deadline |
August 30, 2020 |
Conference Date | September 9-10, 2020 |
Best wishes,
The WBB Team