No one will be left behind. World Food Day is being celebrated around the world in 2022 with the theme of good production, good nutrition, safe environment and better life. Every year 16th October is celebrated as World Food Day. The main objective of the day is to raise awareness on global hunger, malnutrition, and food production. In today's era of globalization, achieving development by leaving someone behind is completely impossible. We need to focus on better agriculture, better nutrition, and better lives with environmental and health considerations, which will help us to ensure inclusive economic development and sustainable cities in the long term.
On 16 October 2022 at 11.00 am Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rayerbazar High School, Dhaka Ideal Cadet School, Ali Hossain Girls' School, Dhanmondi Kachikantha High School, Institute of Wellbeing Bangladesh and Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands jointly organized a rally at Shat masjid Road on demand to ensure safe food. Speakers opined such in the program.
Sheikh Mohammad Hossain Khokon, Councilor of Ward No. 34 of Dhaka North City Corporation was present as the chief guest in the rally and the program was moderated by Ziaur Rahman, Senior Project Manager of Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust. Founder of Dhaka Ideal Cadet School MA Mannan Monir, Teacher of Ali Hossain Girls School Arnab Das, Teacher of Dhanmondi Kachikantha High School Yamin Mallik, and Director of WBB Trust Gaous Pearee delivered their speech inthe event. About three hundred students participated in the rally.