The motto of education is to create good citizen but at present the focus is on creating professionals. As a result they lack basic humanity. To have good citizens for future, Inclusiveness and Equality should be ensured in the Education System. On 30 December 2017, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust and Institute of Wellbeing jointly organized a discussion meeting on ‘SDG 4: Importance of Diversity in Education’ and speakers expressed the above view in there.
Gaous Pearee, Director, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust, said that, United Nations General Assembly adopted Sustainable Development Goals. It is a plan to ensure a sustainable world. It will decrease discrimination around the world.
Debra Efroymson, Regional Director, HealthBridge, Canada, said that, education helps us to get good citizens. Because of commercialization, the motto of education is being hindered as they are focusing on creating professionals.
Amena Mohsin, Professor, Department of International Relations, Dhaka University, said that, teacher and students both should be conscious about their responsibilities.
Ahsan Habib, Professor, ASA University, said that, professionals can be made through various training. Educational Institutions should focus on learning and creating good citizens.
Salma Mahbub, General Secretary, B-Scan, said that, in our education system students are not taught about the accessibility issue of person with disability. At present our education system is not diverse and inclusive.
Yasmin Sultana, Associate Professor, Department of Social Welfare, said that, inclusive education is essential to educate a person completely.
The discussion meeting was presided by Gaous Pearee, Director, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust. Students from Asian University for Women, representatives from cvil society organizations, non-government organizations and many others were present in the discussion meeting.