If community shop owners keep the street in front of their shops clean, then it will be easier to create an ideal clean area. So today on 22nd March 2018, a cleaning campaign was held in Rayerbazar area named ‘Cleaning Campaign in Sadek Khan Road’. The campaign will continue for next two months and shop owners will participate in it. They will keep the street in front of their shops clean and after a regular observation for two months selected shop owners will be awarded for cleanliness. A discussion held with the shop owners of a specific portion of Sadek Khan Road and leaflets were distributed among them.
Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust, Dhaka Ideal Cadet School and Alif Ideal Public School jointly organized the program. Principal of Dhaka Ideal Cadet School MA Mannan Monir, Director of Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust Gaous Pearee, Program Manager Maruf Hossain, Senior Project Officer Ziaur Rahman, Project Officer Atikur Rahman and students of two schools participated in the campaign.