Recreation is one of the basic needs for human beings. And for this reason parks and playgrounds are really very important. They play an important role for physical and mental well being and also for socialization. Dhaka city dwellers lack enough public spaces. And the opportunity for persons with disabilities is very poor. 15% of the total population is person with disability in our country. They do not have any chance for recreation and physical activity. After MDG, SDG has been adopted to ensure livable city for all. SDG target 11.7 says that, by 2030, safe and accessible public space will be ensured for all. Bangladesh government is also working in this regard.
Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh has announced a play ground for the persons with disabilities adjacent to National Assembly. To thank the decision of Honorable Prime Minister on 18 January, 2017, Human Right Disability Foundation, Shur o Shongit Chakra, Disabled Welfare Society, Society for the Welfare of Autistic Children and Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust jointly organized a human chain near National Assembly.
Speakers of the program said that, parks and playgrounds of our country lack necessary infrastructure for persons with disabilities. It has a negative impact upon them. The decision of Honorable Prime Minister will be very helpful for them. We hope that, the decision will be materialized soon.
Speakers of the program were Gaous Pearee, Director, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust; Rajib Sheikh, Chairman, Human Right Disability Foundation; Morjina Ahmed, Executive Director, Disabled Welfare Society and many more. Besides, Naznin Kabir, Deputy Program Manager, Naima Akter, Asst Advocacy Officer, Tanjida Haque, Asst Advocacy Officer, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust; Animesh Biswas, Administrative Officer, Society for the Welfare of Autistic Children; Mir Ajijul Haque, Member, Shur o Shongit Chakra were present in the program.