Walking and cycling have a good impact upon public health, environment, transport cost, infrastructural cost and to reduce traffic congestion. These are important transport mode in the context of Dhaka city. Many people use them. But they face lots of obstacles while moving. They are not given enough priority in the urban transportation plan. Dhaka South City Corporation has taken initiative to provide cycle lane in Dhaka University area. We are thankful on behalf of cyclists, environmentalists and social workers for the initiative. We hope that soon Dhaka University area will be cycling and walking friendly. On 12 January, 2017, 14 environmentalist organizations organized a cycle rally on ‘Demand to make Dhaka University area Cycling and walking Friendly’ and speakers expressed above mentioned view there.
Speakers of the program said that, National Integrated Multi-modal Transportation Policy clearly guides about creating walking and cycling friendly environment. Mayors of both Dhaka North and South City Corporation are taking various initiatives to make walking and cycling friendly environment.
Speakers recommended that, along with cycle lane, walking friendly environment should be ensured in Dhaka University area; providing 5 to 8 feet wide cycle lanes according to standard of Transport for London; separating cycle lanes by providing bollard pr narrow divider or temporary flower pots; providing enough stands for cycle; proper crossing aid; ramps; repairing footpaths and providing proper infrastructure. Moreover they said that it is important to coordinate with Dhaka University authority to run the system properly.
The program was presided by Kamrul Ahsan Khan, Coordinator, Bangladesh Environment Network (Australian Chapter) and moderated by Maruf Hosain, Program Manager, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust. Chief Guest of the program was Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University AAMS Arefin Siddiqui. Speakers of the program were Mahidul Haque Khan, former General Secretary, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA); Hafizur Rahman Moyna, Chairman, Nagorik Odhikar Shongrokkhon Forum; Debra Efroymson, Regional Director, HealthBridge; Ranjan Karmakar, General Secretary, Dhaka University Alumni Association; Planner Adil Muhammad Khan, Bangladesh Institute of Planners (B.I.P) and many more.