At present there are around 2.5 crore persons with disabilities in Bangladesh. 15% of the total world population is persons with disabilities and 80% of them live in the developing countries. Considering the large number of people Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have focused on inclusive development. In the urban planning and designing process of Bangladesh, it is important to consider inclusion. If inclusion is considered 40% of the world population will be beneficiary, including persons with disabilities and senior citizens. To ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities, it is important to ensure Universally Accessible Design. Speakers mentioned such in the seminar of Universally Accessible Design on 16th August 2016, at Koiborto Conference Room of Work for A Better Bangladesh trust.
Keynote speaker of the seminar was Joseph Kwan, Director, International Union of Architects. He said, to prioritize inclusion in urban planning and design, no law or policy is needed. Sustainable Development Goals have recognized it. Moreover, Bangladesh has already a signatory country of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and ratified it. But we cannot see the implementation. By 2050 1 in every 5 persons will be a senior citizen. So to build a livable city it is important to focus on inclusion or inclusive development. All sectors such as- education, employment, health, transportation, services and entertainment should be accessible.
The seminar was moderated by Debra Efroymson, Regional Director, HealthBridge. Speakers of the program were Architect Syeda Sultana Anne, Abu Naser Khan, Chairman, Save the Environment Movement; Masud Rana, Advocacy and Networking Officer, CRP; Mohisul Kaq Khan, Former General Secretary, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA), Aminul Islam Sujon, Project Coordinator, WBB Trust; Talukder Rifat Pasha, Assistant Project Officer, WBB Trust, Architect Shajabin Kabir; Mir Shafi, Director, Institute of Wellbeing, Bappi, PNSP and many more.