Dhaka North and Dhaka South city Corporation have installed waste bins to stop throwing garbage in the streets. But as there is lack of maintenance and people are not enough aware to use them properly. Community people must play an important role in this regard. In Rayerbazar area Environment Ambassadors have been selected to ensure cleanliness in the community. On 16th June 11 am, Environment Ambassadors were selected to increase awareness among people to ensure the proper usage of waste bins in Koiborto Conference Room, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust, organized by Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust, Dhanmondi Kachikantha High School, Dhaka Ideal Cadet School and Alif Ideal Public School.
Maruf Hossain, Program Manager, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust, said that, we are polluting the environment by throwing the garbage here and there. Though there are waste bins we are not using them properly and we are covering up the waste bins. He said that Environment Ambassadors should play an important role to keep the city clean.
Keynote speaker Atiqur Rahman, Project Officer, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust, said that, we should work together to make our city livable. We must take a oath that we will not throw a single waste in the street.
The program was moderated by Ziaur Rahman, Senior Project Officer, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust. Other speakers of the program were MA Mannan Monir, Principal, Dhaka Ideal Cadet School; Md Shawkat Ali, Teacher, Dhanmondi Kachikantha High School; Jewel Hasan Raj, Principal, Alif Ideal Public School; Gaous Pearee, Director, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust; Syeda Anonna Rahman, Program Manager, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust; Naima Akter, Assistant Advocacy Officer, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust and teachers and students of community school.