United Nations has been observing International Human Rights Day on 10th December each year from 1948. According to World Health Organization (WHO), there are total 17 million persons with disabilities in Bangladesh and 3.3 million is person with disability by eye sight. A country will not be able to develop if the large amount of people kept backward. Government has prepared Person with Disabilities Rights and Protection Act, 2013. And on 22nd November 2015 Government has passed Person with Disabilities Rights and Protection Rules. The rule is very important for their rights and freedom. Proper implementation of the rule is needed to create opportunity for them in various sectors. It will also help them to contribute in main stream development of the country. On 10th December 2015, 11 am Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust organized a human chain in front of TSC of Dhaka University to thank Honorable Prime Minister for the gazette of Person with Disabilities Rights and Protection Rules to observe International Human Rights day.
Speakers said that, government has passed Person with Disabilities Rights and Protection Act, 2013 and now the Person with Disabilities Rights and Protection Rule has been passed. It is indeed an appreciable initiative. Person with Disabilities hope that government will play an important role to ensure their rights and protection. They also hope that persons with disabilities will be able to access all the public spaces and all their basic needs will be fulfilled properly.
The program was moderated by Md. Shamimjahan, Assistant Project Officer, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust. Speakers presented in the program were Talukder Rifat Pasha, Biswajit Biswas, Sanjida Akter, Ziaur Rahman, Syeda Anonna Rahman, Masum Billah, Shuvo Karmokar, Jayonto Kumar Shaha, Md Jubayer Hossain, Md Motiur Rahman, Md Nazimuddin, Umme Salma and may more.