To ensure sustainable development of the health sector and to control harmful products like tobacco, a Health Promotion Foundation should be establish giving priority on prevention system. To protect people from the harmful effects of tobacco, instructions will provide on behalf of the NGO Affairs Bureau to install smoke free sign in each NGO office. Speakers gave their opinion in a view exchange meeting which is jointly organized by NGO affairs bureau and WBB Trust on 29th December 2015 at conference room of NGO affairs bureau.
The meeting titled "Tobacco Control and Health Promotion" was chaired by the acting Director General of NGO affairs bureau Mr. K M Abdus Salam. Speeches given by Mr. Golam Mesbah Uddin, Director of NGO affairs bureau and Advocate Syed Mahbubul Alam, Technical Adviser of The Union. Ms. Gaous Pearee, Director of WBB Trust gave welcome speech and Syeda Anonna Rahman, Program Manager; WBB Trust was keynote speaker in the meeting.
The Chair mentioned that a joint venture is needed between the government and non-governmental organizations for tobacco control and health promotion.
Representative from different anti-tobacco organizations also participated in the meeting.