Dhaka New Super Markte (South) has been declared smoke free at 29 September. It is one of famous market for shoping in this capital city Dhaka of Bangladesh. This market should keep smoke free this oath initiated through making awareness on health hazards of smoking & passive smoking among visitors, show owners & employees of shop inside of market.
29.09.13 at 12.30 pm, Dhaka New Super Market Shop Owners Association in collaboration with Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance (BATA) & Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust organized an event titled “Smoke-free Dhaka New Super Market” at this market. The event presided by Hazi Nurur Rahman, Convenor of New Super Market Shop Owners Association. Mr. Helal Ahmed; Secretary General of Pratysha Anti Drug Club, Hazi Matiur Rahman; Member Secretary of New Super Market Shop Owners Association, Advocate Syed Mahbubul Alam; Director of WBB Trust, Aminul Islam Sujon; Executive Editor of Anti Tobacco Newsletter Swamaswar spoke at this event and it was moderated by Syed Saiful Alam Shovan, Media Advocacy Officer of WBB Trust.
Hazi Matiur Rahman said, in this market 1200 shop visited by 15 thousand people at each day, among this, most of them are non-smoker. Specially, children & women is affecting by passive smoking. That is why, we declared this market smoke free from moral liability.
While Hazi Nurur Rahman said, we hope from today no-one will smoke inside of this market. I would recommend to the owners & employees of each shop to obey the tobacco control law themselves & to be active for ensure smoke free environment at this market. Helal Ahmed said, this initiative for smoke free market is milestone for tobacco control law implementation and as well as save visitors from passive smoking. As per Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence statements, about 18 hundred fire incidence is occured due to smoking in a year. This massive risk could be avoid to keep market smoke free. Advocate Syed Mahbubul Alam said, as per ‘Smoking & Tobacco Products Uses (Control) (Amendment) Act 2013’, all public places & public transports is smoke free and it is punishable offence including 300 taka penalty if anyone smoke in smoke free places. Market or shopping mall is masspopulated places and it should be smoke free. Not only for punishment, this is also moral duty to obey the law and avoid smoking in smoke free places. Aminul Islam Sujon said, 29 September 2013 is World Heart Day. To keep healthy heart, should avoid smoking & tobacco and to ensure smoke free environment at public places. Smoking damages smokers’ heart & passive smoking is also damage non-smokers heart. Smoking is major cuases for Heart Diseases, Heart Failore & stroke.
End of this event, Convenor & Member Secretary of the Dhaka New Super Market Shop Owners Association declared this market smoke free. BATA handed over to them No-Smoking Signborards to use all of the market area. Volunteers of BATA and Market Owners Association disseminated leaflets, stickers among visitors, shop owners & employees.