Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which was founded in 1998. Work for a Better Bangladesh is a slogan as well as a name, reflecting our belief that everyone can contribute to making a better Bangladesh.
The mission of WBB is to facilitate the passage and implementation of policies to create an environment that promotes health and social interactions for all members of society, and in which government provides quality education, health care and other essential services to all for free.
WBB envisions cities and communities in which workplaces, schools, shops and recreational facilities are mostly within walking distance, in which children can play outdoors and walk to school safely, and in which outdoor public spaces are attractive and easily accessible for all. WBB envisions a policy environment that treats water as an essential resource to be protected, and which seeks to reduce pollution and to prioritize health over economic growth.
Specifically, WBB works on a range of issues to achieve this vision:
Health Rights
Health policy: contributing to discussion on the essential aspects of a national health policy which recognizes that health is a human right, not a consumer product, and that places due importance on prevention of disease and promotion of health.
NCD control: emphasizing the importance of policies to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases (diabetes, stroke, heart disease, cancers, ...) and improve mental health, by ensuring that the environment makes it easier for people to engage in purposive physical activity (walking and cycling for transport), to eat a healthy diet, and to enjoy outdoor recreational and social opportunities in their neighbourhood.
Tobacco control: supporting the enactment and enforcement of a range of laws and policies to reduce tobacco use. This includes research on the connection between tobacco and poverty, providing technical and other support to others on the issue, and serving as a resource and mobilization center.
Liveable cities
Urban structure: promoting policies and initiatives to create high-density, mixed-use urban environments that promote friendly interactions, provide job opportunities for the low-income, reduce the need to travel long distances, and enable free, outdoor recreation.
Healthy and safe travels: encouraging healthy and safe modes of travel such as walking, cycling, rickshaws, public transport and rail, and discouraging car use.
Water bodies: highlighting the importance of initiatives to preserve and clean up rivers and canals and to reduce wastage of water through greywater reuse systems and rainwater collection; and promoting ecological, non-water-based sanitation systems.
Noise: reducing urban noise levels, largely through measures aimed at measuring and reducing vehicular noise, particularly honking.
Economic and social justice
Studying and preparing easy-to-read documents on practical economic issues, including the viability of the concept of “sustainable economic growth” and the impact of current economic policies on the poor.
Highlighting the need to ensure that policies and programs prioritize the most vulnerable.
The key working tools of WBB are research, material development, networking, capacity building of NGOs, media work and advocacy.