Dhaka is getting strained with numerous transportation problem. Consequently environment, living standard, security everything is getting threatened. This city is experiencing huge increase in private car ownership. It’s bringing numerous problems as consequent in this densely populated city. Many cities around the world is taking initiatives to make streets car free. We are also thinking this as one of the effective tool to improve situation and rising awareness about less dependency on car. This study checks feasibility of making two from many streets in Dhaka as car free street. To find that it assessed the geographical characteristics, geometrical features, traffic and pedestrian volume, land use inventory of the selected roads and associated neighborhood. It has also checked alternative routes, network plan and car owner inventory. There was also an questionnaire survey to uphold the public opinion over this initiatives. We finally found these roads feasible to make car free. Successful implementation of this project can enhance the social and physical environment of the neighborhood. It can significantly reduce air pollution, sound pollution and temperature. It can also facilitate to strengthen social bond and to make a more cohesive and vibrant community. Download report