Tobacco companies are responsible for creating the social crisis by leading the young generation to smoking and tobacco intoxication. Because, at one side government is taking various measures including formulation and amendment of ‘Smoking and Tobacco Products Usage (Control)’ law to reduce tobacco-related deaths and the severity, on the other hand tobacco companies are violating the law showing disrespect to the constitution and law.
On 05 September 2016 in a sharing meeting titled “Sharing Meeting of Compliance Survey on Tobacco Control”, anti-tobacco activists expressed this opinion at koiborto meeting room of WBB Trust. WBB Trust and TCRC including AID Foundation, ACLAB, Shimantik, YPSA, Progga, TABINAJ and National Heart Foundation presented their individual compliance survey findings conducted in last three years in the meeting and describe the scenario of tobacco control in different areas of the country.
Saifuddin Ahmed, Executive Director of WBB Trust and Coordinator of BATA presided over the meeting. The Coordinator of National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) and Joint Secretary of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Mohammad Ruhul Quddus gave speech as chief discussant. Also speeches given by Debra Efroymson, Regional Director of HealthBridge; Syed Mahbubul Alam, Technical Advisor of The Union and Aminul Islam Bokul, Executive Director of AID Foundation. Aminul Islam Sujon, Executive Editor of BATA newsletter “Samaswar” moderated the meeting.