The delegation was led by Mr. Mozaffar Hossain poltu, Adviser, BATA and President, NATAB. Among others there present Syed Mahbubul Alam, Technical Adviser, The Union; Rafiqul Islam Milon, Adviser, Manobik; Aminul Islam Sujon, Executive Editor of BATA newsletter ‘Swamoswar’ and Syeda Anonna Rahman, Program Manager, WBB Trust.
The delegation said, govt. has exemplary contribution in tobacco control. But still companies are alluring the farmers for tobacco cultivation which infertile the land and causes negative impact in the environment. Govt. is formulating the tobacco cultivation rules. Agriculture ministry should actively participate in this process. Moreover instructions should be given to all agriculture officer not to participate in any programs organized by the tobacco industry as there are obligations in FCTC Article 5.3 about such interaction.
Minister said, govt. is very positive about this matter. Honorable Prime minister is very strict in this regard. Nevertheless tobacco companies are doing intrigue to increase the cultivation. Awareness should be increase about tobacco companies propaganda. She expressed her moral support to anti-tobacco social movement as well as controlling tobacco cultivation.