In accordance with the amended laws and regulations, tobacco packets with pictorial Health Warning came in the market from March 19. But it is noted that, avoiding the instructions of the law tobacco companies provided pictorial warning on the lower portion. Though it is clearly mentioned in the TC law that pictorial warning have to be given in lower portion covering 50% of the packet area and this warning have to changed in every third month. So anti tobacco organizations raise voice to implement the instructions from next 19 June with the new warning. In a human chain and demonstration program in front of National Press Club on 15 June 2016 anti tobacco activists urged this. The program was jointly organized by Tobacco Control Research Cell, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust and Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance.
Speakers said, before 19 March 2016 govt. circulated a public notification where it is mentioned that pictorial warning can be given in the lower portion for the interim period. As the next warning will come on the 19 June it is high time to cancel the interim period and implement the instructions for giving health warning in the lower portion. So this 'interim period' notice should cancel now. They also said, Tobacco companies are making lame excuses to influence the ministries and related authorities and get different facilities in favor of them. This should not happen. We want to see the warning in the lower part of the packet. So strong demand raised to take the necessary steps to implement it and to cancel the interim notice.