The government of Bangladesh aims to be announced tobacco free country by 2040 but tobacco companies are engaged in breaking the law by tobacco advertising as well as with tax evasion with an effort to hamper the success of tobacco control programs. In Bangladesh, theachievement in tobacco control is not less. The success must be retained. Public health cannot be threatened by tobacco companies' instigations in any way. Related policies have to be formulated for strengthening tobacco control. At the same time sustainable funding for tobacco control have to be ensured to accelerate the anti tobacco programs. In a discussion meeting held on 30 May 2016 at VIP lounge of National Press Club in celebration of World No Tobacco Day-2016, anti tobacco activists expressed their views.
The program titled "Achievements and challenges in tobacco control" was jointly organized by Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust and The Union. In the meeting, Mojaffar Hossain Poltu, President, NATAB; Syed Mahbubul Alam, Technical Advisor, The Union; Barrister Shamim Haider Patowari, Vice President-Board of Trustee, Dhaka International University; Helal Ahmed, General Secretary, Prottyasha Anti drug Club gave speech. Saifuddin Ahmed, Coordinator, Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance presided over the meeting which was moderated by Rafiqul Islam Milon, Technical Advisor, Manobik.
Speaker said, 'In Bangladesh, Tobacco Control Act is stronger than in many other countries of the third world. But there is weakness in the implementation. When government is trying to implement the tobacco control law giving priority to the public interest, at that time companies are engaged in violating the law desperately. Where Prime Minister, Health Minister, Speaker and the people of all walks of life in the country are in support of tobacco control, at that time sending DO letter in favor of tobacco companies by some public representatives makes us worried.' They urged to policy makers and public representatives to work for tobacco free Bangladesh by 2040 as per the announcement of honorable Prime Minister.