Around the world Bangladeshi women has been given proof of their creative skills, qualifications and eligibilty. To achieve SDG’s targets women should increase their capacity and to make them become self relient women should involve in the mainstream of the country’s development. On 7th March 2016 at morning on 11.00 a seminar was held at Koiborth room of WBB Trust and speaker were taking these expessions on women day on 8th March.
Naznin Kabir said, it was seen in a research of WBB Trust that, women are doing 45 diferents task in house. They generaly work for 16 hours in 24 hours. According to the census of 2012, women age between 15 to 64 house hold workings are equl to 227.93 Billion USD or 18234.81 Billion Taka. Which is twice of Bangladesh GDP. Worthy of mention in 2012 GDP was 118.7 Billion Dollar. Around the country womens contribution is analyzed with the middle class government officilas income. But it is calculated half of workings that means 8 hours of 16 hours. The common approch to women will change if we provide respect and rights of the women.
Debra Efroymson said, to bring women power and establish their rights all have to work combinedly. Have to increase man participation in women day. As there are every ones contibution in economics, there should have every ones control as well. Beside these the invisible contributions in national economy should be recognized. By this there will have some opportunity like the contributions will be valued.
Nikhil Vodro said, women house hold work should be recognized by considering national and international context. By recognizing womens contibution in GDP it can be possible to change the notion that women do nothing. And this is how women will get their rights properly. And the law and regulations will be women frindly as well.
Shakila Ruma Said, visible or invisible womens contribution is main key of development. They should get proper way to development of their innovation. We have work altogether to get the success in women rights establishment.
The program was hosting by Assistant Advocacy Officer Tanzila Chowdhury the seminar was chaired by Health bridge Regional Director Debra Efroyomson, Sinior reporter The daily Kaler kontho, Mr. Nikhil Vodro, Naznin Kabir, Deputy workplan Manager WBB Trust, Director Gaus Piari, WBB Trust and others.