Though 93% of the total population in Dhaka walks or uses public transit or bicycle, our transportation system has been established focusing private cars. All the plans and projects are taken prioritizing cars. In Dhaka each day 67 cars are registered. The present number of cars in Dhaka is above 3 lakhs. Parking beside roads and on footpaths creates traffic jam and obstacles while walking. In Dhaka very year the amount we lose because of traffic jam is 23,000 crore taka. And a huge number of cars are polluting environment causing deaths of above 15,000 people each year (WHO). So illegal parking on roads and footpaths should b stopped to reduce traffic jam. On 15th September 2015 11am, Poribesh Bachao Andolon (POBA) and Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust jointly organized a discussion meeting on “Parking induced Problems: Reality of Sat Masjid Road”.
Naima Akter, Assistant Advocacy Officer, WBB Trust, said that, a study of WBB on Sat Masjid Road shows that there 16 points of illegal parking only in 1.5 kilometer road. Punishment for this kind of activity is mentioned in our laws but we cannot see any enforcement. We should go for car control to avoid these problems.
Maruf Hossain, Program Manager, LC, NCD, WBB Trust said while moderating that, Dhaka Structure Plan 2016-2030 has mentioned to build 10 new multi-storied parking infrastructure and 3 elevated expressway in the draft. Our law and plans are contradictory. If we cannot ensure coordination in these then it will not be possible to solve the problems.
Naznin Kabir, Deputy Program Manager, WBB Trust, said that, High Court has writ a rule against illegal parking and hydraulic horn. We hope to have a better situation after this. Razia Samad, Executive Member, POBA, said that, private cars are a problem for the big cities. It will gradually affect the small ones. We should work our best to make Dhaka livable and control usage of cars.
Talukder Rifat Pasha, former student, Dhaka University, said that, there are no facilities for the disabled people in Dhaka. They face a lot of problems while moving in the broken and uneven footpaths. Moreover there is illegal parking. A convenient public transit should be ensured for them.
Abu Naser Khan, Chairman, POBA, said that, we talk about making Dhaka livable but take no initiatives. The plans taken for Dhaka are making Dhaka more unlivable. To control cars is the only solution to reduce traffic jam. We should continue working in this issue. We should include youths with the program.
M. Ali Hazari, Executive Director, United Peoples Trust; Selim Khan, POBA; Atiq Morshed, Program Coordinator, POBA; Atiqur Rahman, Project Officer, Tanzila Chowdury, Assistant Advocacy Officer, WBB Trust were also present in the program.